Top 8 Sports Safety Tips. Keeping Your Child Safe in Sports.
1. Sports physicals are required to be completed before students are allowed to participate in school sports in many cases, but it is a good idea to have a physical performed either way. A sports physical ensures that your child is in good health that allows them to enjoy the sometimes physical extremes brought on by playing sports.
2. Hydration is important when playing sports outside and when practicing. When the days are their hottest, water or a sports enhancement drinks (such as Gatorade or PowerAde) ensure that your child doesn’t become overheated. Ensure that your child is aware of the importance of staying well-hydrated when practicing or playing sports.
3. Stretching before and after sports are extremely important. Stretching releases muscle tension, reducing the risk of strains and tears on the ligaments and muscles.
4. If your child does experience an injury, keep them out of the game until the injury has properly healed. Going back to the scheme of things before an injury has time to heal will only cause more injuries to the area and cause more pain.
5. Game rules and techniques are in place for a reason. It is imperative that both you and your child are aware of the rules and follow them precisely. No one is immune to any of the rules and breaking any of them could potentially lead to the injury of a child.
6. Attend sports safety clinics held in your area.
7. Taking a day or two per week off from playing (including practice) is recommended to give the muscles a break and time to recover.
8. The National Council on Youth Sports Safety is a non-profit organization offering additional advice and information that can help you protect your child during sports.
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