Sunday, September 2, 2018

[Toy Safety] 6 Tips to help you prevent accident to your child.

From blocks and action figures to baby dolls and books and everything in between, toys are a fun part of growing up that every child enjoys having. But, toys can be dangerous, especially if you’re unaware of the dangers that exist. More than 188,000 children were injured in 2011 with toy-related injuries. Don’t allow your child to fill the number of these statistics and think toy safety at all times!

The Consumer Product Safety Commission regulates all of the toys that are sold in the U.S.A. They also provide important information about toy safety issues and recalls. You can also visit their website to request informational brochures and guides, posters, and other safety-related toy information.

To secure toy safety, the following tips should be implemented.

1. All toys sold new at toy stores have age ranges listed on the packaging. These age ranges aren’t in place to say that your baby or child isn’t smart enough to do it, but instead that your child is not old enough due to hazardous or dangerous parts and pieces. Heed the guidelines and allow your kids to play only with age appropriate toys.

2. Check toys regularly to look for missing parts or damage that may pose risk to your little one.

3. Clean and sanitize toys at least once each week.

4. Store toys in a toy bin or box and keep them out of the floor so no one trips and falls!

5. Balloons pose choking hazards to babies and small children. Keep them out of their reach at all times, whether inflated or not.

6. Children should never put toys in their mouth.

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